05: {the one where we talk about political cartoons}
Death to Deconstruction: Reclaiming Faithfulness as an Act of Rebellion (book)
01: {the Bible as divine AND human}
02: {the Bible as an act of communication}
03: {the Bible was written FOR us not TO us}
04: {context IS king, but literary context is not enough}
06: {on the importance of biblical metaphor}
How Not to Read the Bible by Dan Kimball (book)
Bible Project How to Read the Bible Series (videos)
Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes (book)
The Lost World of Genesis One (book)
07: {we want the video camera footage but the Bible doesn't work like that}
08: {the Bible is NOT a love letter, part 1}
09: {the Bible is NOT a love letter, part 2}
10: {the Bible is NOT a love letter, part 3}
11: {historical context and the woman at the well}
12: {the historical context of Holy Week}
13: Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes Series {reading ourselves as we read the Bible}
14: Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes Series {How our moral values shape our reading of the Bible}
15: Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes Series {Race and reading the Bible}
16: Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes Series {Overcoming Assumptions About Languages}
17: Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes Series {Reading the Bible Through an Individualist Lens}
18: Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes Series {Western Assumptions About Right & Wrong/The Honor-Shame Culture of the Bible}
19: Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes Series {Western Assumptions About Time}